In this article, you will learn how to use lambda expressions in Java 11.
This article is an excerpt from a book written by Nick Samoylov and Mohamed Sanaulla titled Java 11 Cookbook - Second Edition. In this book, you will learn how to build graphical user interfaces using JavaFX.
Creating and using lambda expressions is actually much simpler than writing a method. One just needs to list the input parameters, if any, and the code that does what has to be done.
Let's see an implementation of standard functional interfaces rewritten using lambda expressions. Here's how we have implemented the four main functional interfaces using anonymous classes:
Function<Integer, Double> ourFunc = new Function<Integer, Double>(){
public Double apply(Integer i){
return i * 10.0;
System.out.println(ourFunc.apply(1)); //prints: 10.0
Consumer<String> consumer = new Consumer<String>() {
public void accept(String s) {
System.out.println("The " + s + " is consumed.");
consumer.accept("Hello!"); //prints: The Hello! is consumed.
Supplier<String> supplier = new Supplier<String>() {
public String get() {
String res = "Success";
//Do something and return result—Success or Error.
return res;
System.out.println(supplier.get()); //prints: Success
Predicate<Double> pred = new Predicate<Double>() {
public boolean test(Double num) {
System.out.println("Test if " + num + " is smaller than 20");
return num < 20;
System.out.println(pred.test(10.0)? "10 is smaller":"10 is bigger");
//prints: Test if 10.0 is smaller than 20
// 10 is smaller
And here's how they look with lambda expressions:
Function<Integer, Double> ourFunc = i -> i * 10.0;
System.out.println(ourFunc.apply(1)); //prints: 10.0
Consumer<String> consumer =
s -> System.out.println("The " + s + " is consumed.");
consumer.accept("Hello!"); //prints: The Hello! is consumed.
Supplier<String> supplier = () - > {
String res = "Success";
//Do something and return result—Success or Error.
return res;
System.out.println(supplier.get()); //prints: Success
Predicate<Double> pred = num -> {
System.out.println("Test if " + num + " is smaller than 20");
return num < 20;
System.out.println(pred.test(10.0)? "10 is smaller":"10 is bigger");
//prints: Test if 10.0 is smaller than 20
// 10 is smaller
The examples of specialized functional interfaces we have presented are as follows:
IntFunction<String> ifunc = new IntFunction<String>() {
public String apply(int i) {
return String.valueOf(i * 10);
System.out.println(ifunc.apply(1)); //prints: 10
BiFunction<String, Integer, Double> bifunc =
new BiFunction<String, Integer, Double >() {
public Double apply(String s, Integer i) {
return (s.length() * 10d) / i;
System.out.println(bifunc.apply("abc",2)); //prints: 15.0
BinaryOperator<Integer> binfunc = new BinaryOperator<Integer>(){
public Integer apply(Integer i, Integer j) {
return i >= j ? i : j;
System.out.println(binfunc.apply(1,2)); //prints: 2
IntBinaryOperator intBiFunc = new IntBinaryOperator(){
public int applyAsInt(int i, int j) {
return i >= j ? i : j;
System.out.println(intBiFunc.applyAsInt(1,2)); //prints: 2
And here's how they look with lambda expressions:
IntFunction<String> ifunc = i -> String.valueOf(i * 10);
System.out.println(ifunc.apply(1)); //prints: 10
BiFunction<String, Integer, Double> bifunc =
(s,i) -> (s.length() * 10d) / i;
System.out.println(bifunc.apply("abc",2)); //prints: 15.0
BinaryOperator<Integer> binfunc = (i,j) -> i >= j ? i : j;
System.out.println(binfunc.apply(1,2)); //prints: 2
IntBinaryOperator intBiFunc = (i,j) -> i >= j ? i : j;
System.out.println(intBiFunc.applyAsInt(1,2)); //prints: 2
As you can see, the code is less cluttered and more readable.
Those who have some traditional code-writing experience, when starting functional programming, equate functions with methods. They try to create functions first because that was how we all used to write traditional code—by creating methods. Yet, functions are just smaller pieces of functionality that modify some aspects of the behavior of the methods or provide the business logic for the otherwise non-business-specific code. In functional programming, as in traditional programming, methods continue to provide the code structure, while functions are the nice and helpful additions to it. So, in functional programming, creating a method comes first, before the functions are defined. Let's demonstrate this.
The following are the basic steps of code writing. First, we identify the well-focused block of code that can be implemented as a method. Then, after we know what the new method is going to do, we can convert some pieces of its functionality into functions:
void calculate(){
int i = 42; //get a number from some source
double res = 42.0; //process the above number
if(res < 42){ //check the result using some criteria
//do something
} else {
//do something else
The preceding pseudocode outlines the idea of the calculate() method's functionality. It can be implemented in a traditional style—by using methods, as follows:
int getInput(){
int result;
//getting value for result variable here
return result;
double process(int i){
double result;
//process input i and assign value to result variable
boolean checkResult(double res){
boolean result = false;
//use some criteria to validate res value
//and assign value to result
return result;
void processSuccess(double res){
//do something with res value
void processFailure(double res){
//do something else with res value
void calculate(){
int i = getInput();
double res = process(i);
} else {
But some of these methods may be very small, so the code becomes fragmented and less readable with so many additional indirections. This disadvantage becomes especially glaring in the case when the methods come from outside the class where the calculate() method is implemented:
void calculate(){
SomeClass1 sc1 = new SomeClass1();
int i = sc1.getInput();
SomeClass2 sc2 = new SomeClass2();
double res = sc2.process(i);
SomeClass3 sc3 = new SomeClass3();
SomeClass4 sc4 = new SomeClass4();
} else {
As you can see, in the case where each of the external methods is small, the amount of plumbing code may substantially exceed the payload it supports. Besides, the preceding implementation creates many tight dependencies between classes.
void calculate(Supplier<Integer> souc e, Function<Integer,
Double> process, Predicate<Double> condition,
Consumer<Double> success, Consumer<Double> failure){
int i = source.get();
double res = process.apply(i);
} else {
Supplier<Integer> source = () -> 4;
Function<Integer, Double> before = i -> i * 10.0;
Function<Double, Double> after = d -> d + 10.0;
Function<Integer, Double> process = before.andThen(after);
Predicate<Double> condition = num -> num < 100;
Consumer<Double> success =
d -> System.out.println("Success: "+ d);
Consumer<Double> failure =
d -> System.out.println("Failure: "+ d);
calculate(source, process, condition, success, failure);
The result of the preceding code is going to be as follows:
Success: 50.0
The lambda expression acts as a regular method, except when you think about testing each function separately. How to do it?
There are two ways to address this issue. First, since the functions are typically small, there is often no need to test them separately, and they are tested indirectly when the code that uses them is tested. Second, if you still think the function has to be tested, it is always possible to wrap it in the method that returns the function, so you can test that method like any other method. Here is an example of how it can be done:
public class Demo {
Supplier<Integer> source(){ return () -> 4;}
Function<Double, Double> after(){ return d -> d + 10.0; }
Function<Integer, Double> before(){return i -> i * 10.0; }
Function<Integer, Double> process(){return before().andThen(after());}
Predicate<Double> condition(){ return num -> num < 100.; }
Consumer<Double> success(){
return d -> System.out.println("Failure: " + d); }
Consumer<Double> failure(){
return d-> System.out.println("Failure: " + d); }
void calculate(Supplier<Integer> souce, Function<Integer,
Double> process, Predicate<Double> condition,
Consumer<Double> success, Consumer<Double> failure){
int i = source.get();
double res = process.apply(i);
} else {
void someOtherMethod() {
calculate(source(), process(),
condition(), success(), failure());
Now we can write the function unit tests as follows:
public class DemoTest {
public void source() {
int i = new Demo().source().get();
assertEquals(4, i);
public void after() {
double d = new Demo().after().apply(1.);
assertEquals(11., d, 0.01);
public void before() {
double d = new Demo().before().apply(10);
assertEquals(100., d, 0.01);
public void process() {
double d = new Demo().process().apply(1);
assertEquals(20., d, 0.01);
public void condition() {
boolean b = new Demo().condition().test(10.);
Typically, lambda expressions (and functions in general) are used for specializing otherwise generic functionalities—by adding business logic to a method. A good example is stream operations. The library authors have created them to be able to work in parallel, which required a lot of expertise. And now the library users can specialize the operations by passing into them the lambda expressions (functions) that provide the application's business logic.
Since, as we have mentioned already, functions are often simple one-liners, they are often inlined when passed in as parameters, for example:
Consumer<Double> success = d -> System.out.println("Success: " + d);
Consumer<Double> failure = d-> System.out.println("Failure: " + d);
calculate(() -> 4, i -> i * 10.0 + 10, n -> n < 100, success, failure);
But one should not push it too far, as such inlining may decrease code readability.
In this tutorial, we learned how to use lambda expressions in Java 11. To learn more Java 11 recipes, check out the book Java 11 Cookbook - Second Edition.
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