In this article by Jeff Martin, author of the book Visual Studio 2015 Cookbook - Second Edition, we will discuss about how but modern software development still requires developers to identify and correct bugs in their code. The familiar edit-compile-test cycle is as familiar as a text editor, and now the rise of portable devices has added the need to measure for battery consumption and optimization for multiple architectures. Fortunately, our development tools continue to evolve to combat this rise in complexity, and Visual Studio continues to improve its arsenal.
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
Multi-threaded code and asynchronous code are probably the two most difficult areas for most developers to work with, and also the hardest to debug when you have a problem like a race condition. A race condition occurs when multiple threads perform an operation at the same time, and the order in which they execute makes a difference to how the software runs or the output is generated. Race conditions often result in deadlocks, incorrect data being used in other calculations, and random, unrepeatable crashes. The other painful area to debug involves code running on other machines, whether it is running locally on your development machine or running in production. Hooking up a remote debugger in previous versions of Visual Studio has been less than simple, and the experience of debugging code in production was similarly frustrating.
In this article, we will cover the following sections:
In Visual Studio 2013, Microsoft debuted a new set of tools called the Performance and Diagnostics hub. With VS2015, these tools have revised further, and in the case of Diagnostic Tools, promoted to a central presence on the main IDE window, and is displayed, by default, during debugging sessions. This is great for us as developers, because now it is easier than ever to troubleshoot and improve our code. In this section, we will explore how Diagnostic Tools can be used to explore our code, identify bottlenecks, and analyze memory usage.
The changes didn't stop when VS2015 was released, and succeeding updates to VS2015 have further refined the capabilities of these tools. So for this section, ensure that Update 2 has been installed on your copy of VS2015. We will be using Visual Studio Community 2015, but of course, you may use one of the premium editions too.
For this section, we will put together a short program that will generate some activity for us to analyze:
static List<string> makeStrings()
List<string> stringList = new List<string>();
Random random = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
string x = "String details: " + (random.Next(1000, 100000));
return stringList;
static List<string> hashStrings(List<string> srcStrings)
List<string> hashedStrings = new List<string>();
SHA256 mySHA256 = SHA256Managed.Create();
StringBuilder hash = new StringBuilder();
foreach (string str in srcStrings)
byte[] srcBytes = mySHA256.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str), 0, Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(str));
foreach (byte theByte in srcBytes)
return hashedStrings;
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Ready to create strings");
List<string> results = makeStrings();
Console.WriteLine("Ready to Hash " + results.Count() + " strings ");
List<string> strings = hashStrings(results);
By default, the Diagnostic Tools window will only appear while debugging. Feel free to reposition your IDE windows to make their presence more visible or use Ctrl + Alt + F2 to recall it as needed.
If you would like to know more about the object itself (perhaps there are multiple objects of the same type), you can use the Referenced Types option as indicated in the preceding screenshot. If you would like to try this out on the sample program, be sure to set a smaller number in the makeStrings() loop, otherwise you will run the risk of overloading your system.
Again, it is probably no surprise that most of the hard work was done in the hashStrings() method. But when dealing with real-world code, it will not always be so obvious where the slowdowns are, and having this type of insight into your program's execution will make it easier to find areas requiring further improvement.
When using the CPU profiler in our example, you may find it easier to remove the first breakpoint and simply trigger a profiling by clicking on Break All as shown in this screenshot:
Microsoft wanted more developers to be able to take advantage of their improved technology, so they have increased its availability beyond the Professional and Enterprise editions to also include Community. Running your program within VS2015 with the Diagnostic Tools window open lets you examine your program's performance in great detail.
By using memory snapshots and breakpoints, VS2015 provides you with the tools needed to analyze your program's operation, and determine where you should spend your time making optimizations.
Our sample program does not perform a wide variety of tasks, but of course, more complex programs usually perform well. To further assist with analyzing those programs, there is a third option available to you beyond CPU Usage and Memory Usage: the Events tab. As shown in the following screenshot, the Events tab also provides the ability to search events for interesting (or long-running) activities.
Different event types include file activity, gestures (for touch-based apps), and program modules being loaded or unloaded.
Given the frequency of debugging, any refinement to these tools can pay immediate dividends. VS 2015 brings the popular Edit and Continue feature into the 21st century by supporting a 64-bit code. Added to that is the new ability to see the return value of functions in your debugger. The addition of these features combine to make debugging code easier, allowing to solve problems faster.
For this section, you can use VS 2015 Community or one of the premium editions. Be sure to run your choice on a machine using a 64-bit edition of Windows, as that is what we will be demonstrating in the section.
Don't worry, you can still use Edit and Continue with 32-bit C# and Visual Basic code.
Both features are now supported by C#/VB, but we will be using C# for our examples. The features being demonstrated are compiler features, so feel free to use code from one of your own projects if you prefer. To see how Edit and Continue can benefit 64-bit development, perform the following steps:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int w = 16;
int h = 8;
int area = calcArea(w, h);
Console.WriteLine("Area: " + area);
private static int calcArea(int width, int height)
return width / height;
Programmers who write C++ have already had the ability to see the return values of functions—this just brings .NET developers into the fold. The result is that your development experience won't have to suffer based on the language you have chosen to use for your project.
The Edit and Continue functionality is also available for ASP.NET projects. New projects created on VS2015 will have Edit and Continue enabled by default. Existing projects imported to VS2015 will usually need this to be enabled if it hasn't been done already. To do so, open the Options dialog via Tools | Options, and look for the Debugging | General section. The following screenshot shows where this option is located on the properties page:
Whether you are working with an ASP.NET project or a regular C#/VB .NET application, you can verify Edit and Continue is set via this location.
In this article, we examine the improvements to the debugging experience in Visual Studio 2015, and how it can help you diagnose the root cause of a problem faster so that you can fix it properly, and not just patch over the symptoms.
Further resources on this subject: