Importing a whole cutscene from a 3D package
The best way of creating cutscenes in Unity is to import whole animations from a 3D package. We did a similar thing in the previous recipe (we synchronized the animations in a 3D package before importing them to Unity). Here we are going to create a full cutscene with camera animations.
Getting ready
For this recipe, we need the same character as in the previous recipe, with a kicking the ball animation. Additionally, we've added three simple cubes to the animation. Those cubes are animated and represent cameras. We used cubes instead of empty objects or cameras because Unity sometimes has trouble with importing the motion of objects that are not rigs nor have mesh renderers:
Cutscene objects in Blender. Red cubes hold camera positions
You can also go to the Chapter 08 Animating Cutscenes\Recipe 04 Importing a whole cutscene from a 3D package
directory. You can find the Example.unity
scene there. If you play the game, you will see a character kicking...