How did lottie-react-native come into being?
React Native was released in 2015 due to Facebook's need to speed up their mobile development teams, with the vision of releasing dozens of new apps and improving their current apps in shorter and more effective development cycles. Some may say React Native's number one strength is its multiplatform development capabilities (learn once, write anywhere), but there are also other benefits, such as reusing proven libraries and tools that have been living in the web development world for a long time – longer than iOS and Android have been around.
Attracted by this promise, Airbnb spun up a team to investigate whether they could copy Facebook based on their multiplatform reuse strategy using React Native. Their conclusion was not only that the Airbnb mobile team could benefit from this strategy, but that they could reuse their vast knowledge of the web and create multi-disciplinary teams to build new features on the web, Android...