Formatting widget data
Input data such as date, time, phone number, credit card number, website URL, IP number, and so on, have an associated display format. For instance, date can be better represented in an MM/DD/YYYY
Fortunately, it is easy to format data in the required format as the user enters it in the widget, as shown in the following screenshot:

code automatically formats user input to insert forward slashes at the required places to display the date entered by a user in the MM/DD/YYYY
from tkinter import * class FormatEntryWidgetDemo: def __init__(self, root): Label(root, text='Date(MM/DD/YYYY)').pack() self.entered_date = StringVar() self.date_entry = Entry(textvariable=self.entered_date) self.date_entry.pack(padx=5, pady=5) self.date_entry.focus_set() self.slash_positions = [2, 5] root.bind('<Key>', self.format_date_entry_widget) def format_date_entry_widget...