Chapter 2. Studying the IoT Problem Universe and Designing a Use Case
IoT is spread across the length and breadth of the industry. It has touched every possible industry vertical and horizontal. From consumer electronics, automobiles, aviation, energy, oil and gas, manufacturing, banking, and so on, almost every industry is benefiting from IoT. Problems arise in each of these individual business areas that need to be solved connoting the industry it is addressing, and therefore people often segregate the wide spectrum of IoT into smaller and similar groups. Thus, we see names such as Industrial IoT, Consumer IoT, and so on being referenced quite often these days. Keeping aside these broad divisions, we can simply divide the problems to solve in IoT into two simple categories, that is, 'Connected Operations' and 'Connected Assets'.
In this chapter, we will study about the IoT problem universe and learn to design a business use case by building a blueprint for...