Understanding the NestJS project structure
Stepping into the heart of NestJS, one immediately recognizes its unique blend of elegance and purpose-driven design. Every directory and every file has a place and a purpose. Understanding the NestJS project structure is paramount, not just for the sake of navigation but also to truly grasp its philosophy.
Why is NestJS’s project structure important?
NestJS takes inspiration from mature languages and tools, aligning closely with Angular’s modular design (https://angular.io/guide/feature-modules). This approach aims to keep your code base maintainable, scalable, and organized, allowing developers—both novices and experts—to easily locate files and understand the flow and relationships within the application.
Refer to Figure 3.2 to get an overview of how the project is structured by default. As the application grows, the structure may evolve, but keep in mind that the role of each directory will make our...