Connected apps

A connected app is essentially a bridge between an external application and Salesforce. It uses standard protocols to authenticate, authorize, and provide single sign-on (SSO) for external apps. The external apps integrated with Salesforce can run on various platforms, devices, or SaaS subscriptions.
For example, when you log in to your Salesforce mobile app and see your data from your Salesforce org, you’re using a connected app. The Salesforce mobile app is a Connected App that integrates with your Salesforce org to provide you with access to your data.
Understanding Salesforce-connected apps and session IDs
In Salesforce’s interconnected ecosystem, connected apps function as a key authorizing tool, allowing external systems to securely “borrow” a session ID for specific uses. It’s crucial to appreciate the potent power that a session ID holds — granting a session ID to a third party is akin to handing...