Creating a teleoperation node using the Leap Motion controller
In this section, we can see how to create a teleoperation node for a robot using Leap Motion data. The procedure is very simple. We have to create a ROS package for this node. The following is the command to create a new package. You can also find this package from chapter_11_codes/vr_leap_teleop
$ catkin_create_pkg vr_leap_teleop roscpp rospy std_msgs visualization_msgs geometry_msgs message_generation visualization_msgs
After creation, you can use catkin_make
. Now, let's create the node to convert Leap Motion data to Twist. You can create a folder called scripts
inside the vr_leap_teleop
package. Now you can copy the node called
from the existing package. Let's see how this code works.
We need the following Python modules in this node. Here, we require message definitions from the leap_motion
package, which is the driver package.
import rospy from leap_motion.msg import leap from leap_motion...