First, we will initialize the common Twilio data and open the employee Excel file so that we can loop through the list of employees:
- We'll add a Step action and name it Initialize and Open Excel File. There are two Twilio values that are constant for this bot as they are not based on the Excel data. Let's initialize these variables first:
- We'll use String Assign to assign the trial phone number we received from Twilio to a new String variable called SenderPhoneNumber. You can use the wizard at the end of the input box to create the new variables.
- Similarly, we'll also assign the Twilio Account SID to a new String variable called TwilioID, as shown in the following screenshot:
- Now, let's open the Excel file so that we can loop through and read employee details. Add the Excel basic Open action and provide a desktop File path for the employee Excel file. You can provide...