As we described in the previous recipe, Redis is merely a non-blocking, I/O multiplexing TCP server that accepts and processes requests from clients. In other words, in spite of the complexity within the Redis Server, you can talk to Redis over the TCP connection in various languages. The term protocol stands for the language used between a server and a client in the networking communication. As for Redis, REdis Serialization Protocol (RESP) is the protocol. In this recipe, we'll see how the RESP works in Redis.
One thing should be noted: Even at first glance, it's a little bit advanced for a beginner to go through this recipe. However, we do believe that learning the RESP, as basic knowledge, is not that difficult and it will be of benefit to you, in that understanding the various kinds of clients and proxies implemented in different programming languages will no longer be a mystery to you.
Of course, you can skip this recipe if you like and it won't bother you too much when reading the following chapters.