Activity: Perform Manual Backups Using PowerShell
Let's get back to our example of ToyStore Ltd. Mike has been tasked with ensuring that all the data of ToyStore Ltd. is backed up for crises such as system outages, unwanted deletions or updates, database corruption issues, and other related issues. In order to automate this process, he wants to make use of PowerShell scripts. In this activity, we'll learn how to back up an Azure SQL Database using PowerShell scripts:
You need an Azure storage account to carry out the activity. If you don't have an existing storage account, you can create one by running the following command:
New-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName myresourcegroup ' -Name mystorageaccountname ' -SkuName Standard_LRS ' -Location 'East US' ' -Kind StorageV2 ' -AccessTier Hot
It's advised to create the storage account at the same location as the Azure SQL Database. This minimizes the network delay...