Date change update trigger
One of the optional things usually left out of PostgreSQL partitioning examples is an update trigger. Consider the case where you update a row and change the date; this could require relocating it to another partition. If you want to allow for this case, you need to install a trigger into each partition:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION orders_2004_01_update_trigger() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN IF ( NEW.orderdate != OLD.orderdate ) THEN DELETE FROM orders_2004_01 WHERE OLD.orderid=orderid; INSERT INTO orders values(NEW.*); END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER update_orders_2004_01 BEFORE UPDATE ON orders_2004_01 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE orders_2004_01_update_trigger();
As in the insert trigger case, you could instead write a dynamic version of both the DELETE
statement. Then you can attach the same function to every partition. This has the same potential benefits and concerns...