Exception handling
GoldenGate does not provide a standard exceptions handler. By default, a Replicat process will abend should any operational failure occur, and will rollback the transaction to the last known checkpoint. This may not be ideal in a production environment.
parameters can be used to control whether or not a Replicat process tries to resolve duplicate record and missing record errors, but should these errors be ignored?
The way to determine what error has occurred, by which Replicat, caused by what data, is to create an Exceptions handler.
Creating an Exceptions handler
The following steps create an Exceptions handler that will trap and log the specified Oracle error(s), but allow the Replicat to continue to process data:
The first step is to create an Exceptions table, as shown in the example DDL:
create table ggs_admin.exceptions ( rep_name varchar2(8) , table_name varchar2(61) , errno number , dberrmsg varchar2(4000) , optype varchar2...