Creating a new validation
On the Page Definition page, press the Create icon of the Validations section. This will load the Create Validation wizard:

Validation level
In the first screen of the wizard we can choose the validation level we want to define:
Item level validation: At this level, we define a validation for a specific item on the page.
Page level validation: At this level, we can define a validation that is not tied to a specific item on the page (e.g. validation on a tabular form column).
Create multiple not null validations
A Not Null validation is probably the most common validation in use. At the bottom of the first wizard screen, as can be seen in the previous screenshot, there's a link to a page wizard. It allows us to quickly define a Not Null validation for every item on the page that we pick.

For every checked item, the wizard will create a Not Null validation with a generic error message of Value must be specified.
The Create Form wizard automatically creates a Not Null...