Monitoring the L3 bandwidth
The OpenStack Neutron provides you with metering commands in order to enable the monitoring of the Layer 3 (L3) traffic. The metering commands create a label that can hold a list of the packet matching rules. Neutron counts and associates any L3 packet that matches these rules with the metering label. In this recipe, we will learn how to use the L3 traffic monitoring commands of Neutron to enable packet counting.
Getting ready
For this recipe, we will use a VM connected to a network that in turn is connected to a router. The following figure describes the topology:

We will use a network called private with a CIDR of
For this recipe, you will need the following information:
The SSH login credentials for a node where the OpenStack client packages are installed
A shell RC file that initializes the environment variables for CLI
The name of the L3 metering label
The CIDR for which the traffic needs to be measured
How to do it…
The following steps will show you...