Put it into Practice
At various points in history, I've learned a collection of languages, of the inter-human and computer programming varieties. The only ones I can remember anything about are the ones I use all the time.
I expect the same's true for you. The reason I expect this is not that I believe everyone's like me, but that there's basis for it in theory. The Kolb learning cycle—http://www.businessballs.com/kolblearningstyles.htm says that there are four processes that form the practice of learning:
- Concrete Experience: Actually doing a thing.
- Reflective Observation: Analyzing how you (or someone else) did a thing.
- Abstract Conceptualization: Building a model of how things should be done.
- Active Experimentation: Just playing with the plasticine and seeing what comes out.
Not everybody goes through all of the items in the cycle, but most people start out somewhere and progress through at least a couple of the points, probably in the order...