Enabling code analysis check-in policy
Many organizations recommend certain checks be done before committing code into source control. The cost of fixing bad code increases overtime. There is incentive in identifying and fixing issues in code early. We discussed the definition of done in the previous chapter; think of this as the definition of check-in. In TFS, a check-in policy is a rule that is executed during the check-in operation to ensure that the selected change set is okay to commit. The check-in policies are stored on the server and executed on the client machines at the time of check-in. Check-in policies are only supported in TFVC projects. While TFS has some preconfigured check-in policies, several other check-in policies are added by TFS Power Tools. In this recipe, you'll learn how to configure the code analysis check-in policy. The code analysis check-in policy requires that code analysis is run before check-in.
Getting ready
To complete this recipe, you'll need:
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