Writing your own tools
The tools provided by Microsoft Dynamics NAV to import data only allow you to import data in a very specific Microsoft Office Excel format, in an XML format, or in plain text.
What if you have the data in a completely different format? In that case, you have two options:
- Manually manipulate the document you have, to give it the format expected. This may be a good option for a one-time import process. Manual manipulation of data and formats may lead to errors, but if you just have to do it once, do it carefully, take your time, and check everything afterwards. The time consumed in doing all this work will probably not be as much as developing a tool to import the data, so yes, it is probably a good option.
- Write your own tool to import the data. Make your tool meet the exact format as it appears in the original document, so no manual manipulation of data is needed.
You can use a codeunit, a report, or even a page to write your own code. You will find several...