C/SIDE Report properties
The C/SIDE RD Report Properties are shown in the following screenshot. Some of these properties have essentially the same purpose as similarly named properties in pages and other objects:

The properties in the preceding image are defined as follows:
- ID: The unique report object number.
- Name: The name by which this report is referred to within the C/AL code.
- Caption: The name that is displayed for this report; Caption defaults to Name.
- CaptionML: The Caption translation for a defined alternative language.
- Description: For internal documentation.
- UseRequestPage: Yes or No, controlling whether or not the report will begin with Request Page for the user parameters to be entered.
- UseSystemPrinter: Determines whether the default printer for the report should be the defined system printer, or whether NAV should check for a setup-defined User/Report printer definition. More on User/Report printer setup can be found in the NAV application help.
- EnableExternalImages...