Use the following questions to test the knowledge you gained in this chapter. You can find the answers in Chapter 18, Assessments:
- Identify four licensing models used to acquire Microsoft licensing.
- Cloud Solution Provider
- Commercial
- Enterprise Agreement
- Enterprise Enrollment
- Microsoft Open
- Service Provider License Agreement
- Identify four important factors when performing a cost-benefit analysis to acquire a cloud solution.
- Improved security
- Reduced security
- Reduced TCO
- Increased TCO
- Increased end user productivity
- Improved availability
- Identify four important factors when performing a cost-benefit analysis to acquire a cloud solution.
- Employee savings with new or improved mobility scenarios
- Improved compliance capability
- Reduced compliance capability
- Travel savings
- Reduced downtime
- Increase in physical equipment presence
- Under a direct license model, which of the following is true of the customer organization?
- Pays Microsoft directly
- Pays a partner or VAR directly
- Is entitled...