Further reading
To learn more about the topics that were covered in this chapter, take a look at the following resources:
- Profiling Go Programs: https://go.dev/blog/pprof
- Grafana documentation: https://grafana.com/docs/
- Grafana support for Prometheus: https://prometheus.io/docs/visualization/grafana/
- Top Go frameworks: https://github.com/mingrammer/go-web-framework-stars
- JSON web token: https://jwt.io/
- JSON Web Token (JWT) Signing Algorithms Overview: https://auth0.com/blog/json-web-token-signing-algorithms-overview/
We suggest that you use these resources to stay up to date with the latest news related to Go microservice development:
- The Go blog: https://go.dev/blog/
- Microservice architecture: https://microservices.io
- A curated list of awesome Go software: https://github.com/avelino/awesome-go