VMware Appliance Management Administration
If you've ever taken any of the other VMware appliance-based products for a spin, you may have had some hands-on time with the Virtual Appliance Management Interface (VAMI). 'The VAMI is your view into the host operating system—often referred to as the Host OS—that runs the VMware application services. In this case, the VAMI on the vCenter Server virtual appliance gives you visibility into the underpinnings of Photon OS and provides you with administrative features that don't necessarily fit into the vSphere Web Client's virtual infrastructure management-oriented user interface. Unlike the vSphere Web Client, which can only be accessed from the vCenter Server, VAMI is available for both vCenter Servers and External Platform Services Controllers, and can be accessed from https://
These underpinnings and administrative features are broken down into the following 10 areas within...