Obtaining the Splunk software
To obtain the Splunk software, you need to carry out the steps explained in the following sections.
The first step is to read the Splunk Software License Agreement (which can be found at http://www.splunk.com/view/SP-CAAAAFA; once you install the software, you'll find it in the installation folder).
Note that although you have the ability to download a full-featured copy of Splunk Enterprise for free, the software license agreement rules the installation and uses, and it is incumbent on you to understand.
Disk space requirements
The next step is typical for any software installation, that is, evaluating your hardware to ensure that you can successfully run Splunk to meet your requirements. Though Splunk is extremely optimized, a best practice is if you are evaluating Splunk, you should use hardware typical of the environment you intend to employ to. The hardware you use for evaluation should meet or exceed the recommended hardware capacity specifications...