Building packages with RStudio
RStudio combines the power of devtools
with its GUI, which makes the development of your own packages very easy and manageable with just a few clicks.
Creating a new package project with RStudio
To create a new package with RStudio, just click on File | New Project... and select New Directory.

Then you can select R Package from the upcoming menu:

Now you have to set the necessary parameters for your R package. These include the type of the package, the package name, the option to create a package based on source files, and to create the package project as a subdirectory of another directory.
Furthermore, you can check the options for creating a Git repository or for using Packrat with your project.

If you want to create a package just containing R code, you should select the type to be Package. However, if you want to create a package that also uses C++ code, you should choose Package w/ Rcpp as it automatically sets up all necessary dependencies for using the Rcpp...