Chapter 1: Working with Python Scripting
Python is a simple-to-read-and-write, byte-compiled, object-oriented programming language. The language is perfect for security professionals because it allows for fast test development as well as reusable objects to be used in the future.
Throughout this chapter, we will explain data structures and collections such as lists, dictionaries, tuples, and iterators. We will review functions, exceptions management, and other modules, such as regular expressions, that we can use in our scripts. We will also learn how to manage dependencies and development environments to introduce into programming with Python. We will also review the principal development environments for script development in Python, including Python IDLE and PyCharm.
The following topics will be covered in this chapter:
- Introduction to Python scripting
- Exploring Python data structures
- Python functions, classes, and managing exceptions
- Python modules and packages
- Managing dependencies and virtual environments
- Development environments for Python scripting