Becoming advanced
The next day, Lynn picked up the phone and called Jim. "Hi, Jim", she said when he answered.
"Hi Lynn, what can I do for you?"
Revisiting Header/Footer options
Lynn set the stage by saying, "I think I'm getting pretty comfortable with Drupal 8, especially with the Views module. I went over the middle column of the Views edit screen and understand most of the settings, although some of the options for header/footer don't seem to be very useful. I presume that's just because I'm not an expert."
Jim responded, "I'd say you've become an expert in the last few weeks. To be honest, I wonder about some of these options myself. I presume that they are a result of the way almost everything has become an entity in Drupal 8, and once they exposed the use cases that made sense, the rest just came along for a ride. That being said, I'm sure someone will eventually find a use for them."
"One thing I wish you could do in Headers and Footers is have entities with fields and then use the same...