Receiving our first task – implementing the grids
After we’ve set up everything, it’s time to get started. Imagine working for a company that implements Awesome Analytics. There are stakeholders, such as users, a sales department, and, of course, management. Imagine working in a cross-functional team of a few developers, UX experts, and a product owner.
Our stakeholders are pleased with the progress so far. They love the implementation of corporate identity and corporate design. They have also looked at the gibberish charts and checked whether they were as nonsensical as they anticipated, and indeed they were. However, they noticed that the dashboard is missing a critical element: the entire layout for the charts and the page itself.
As the newly hired expert for CSS Grid and grid layouts, we get called in to an important meeting. There, the product owner, the design expert, and the most important person, the end user, are discussing the issue at hand. The...