What is state management?
When consumers use your software, they perform certain tasks that the application enables, such as adding items to a shopping cart, filling in forms, dragging events to a calendar, and more. These kinds of tasks produce data, and this data can be stored permanently (in a database on the server via an API; you can learn more about that in detail in Chapter 8, Consuming Web APIs from Blazor WebAssembly) or we can hold this state temporarily in a local source. In this chapter, we are focusing on the second option, which is storing the data temporarily, but before we proceed with doing that, let’s understand the difference between storing on the server or locally, in addition to when to do so and why.
Basically, your software produces data, and this data can be stored in a database on the server. In the case of our bookstore, we need to store books on the server and retrieve them from there.
While developing with Blazor WebAssembly, your app needs...