Originally created by students at UCB, Paul Vixie took over BIND maintenance in 1988 and it is still the most popular authoritative nameserver in existence. It remains the default nameserver in most *nix and Windows environments, and is one of the first nameservers ever written.
Because there is so much existing material on BIND, we're not going to rehash it all here. Readers wishing to learn about setup and configuration specific to BIND nameservers should check out Cricket Liu and Paul Albitz's DNS and Bind (O'Reilly), or Ron Aitcheson's Pro DNS & Bind (Apress) or his free online version, DNS ForRocket Scientists (http://www.zytrax.com/books/dns/).
What we will briefly go over here is the current status of BIND and where it will go next.
BIND 9 is maintained by ISC (originally the Internet Software Consortium, now the Internet Systems Consortium...