ELK at Cliffhanger Solutions
Cliffhanger Solutions is an application and service provider for the utility and telecom industry. It helps customers and utility companies with preventative maintenance and reducing outage restoration times.
"At Cliffhanger Solutions, we index data in real time from various sources using Elasticsearch and Logstash. Sources include GPS location data from maintenance trucks or from tablets running our app, readings from smart meters and facility data from GIS (geographical information systems)."

Kibana dashboard at Cliffhanger
Operators can now quickly get answers to questions such as "Can I safely close this switch and restore power to these 1500 customers?" or "A storm is coming in from the South, how fast can I get my bucket trucks to the area where the storm will hit?" As for preventative maintenance, engineers can seek answers to questions such as "Transformers from vendor X have a higher than average MTBF (mean time between failures). Find all of them and sort...