Chapter 4. Web Applications Basics with ClojureScript
ClojureScript, because of its very essence (Clojure targeting JavaScript through the use of the Google Closure library), has led to various approaches as far as developing on the browser is concerned.
As being a hosted language with powerful JavaScript interoperability primitives, ClojureScript empowers its developers to mirror their JavaScript DOM manipulation and events handling habits in their ClojureScript code, as if they were translating it verbatim.
But one can go one level further in abstraction, and take advantage from the Google Closure library's central place in ClojureScript to write better and more browser-agnostic DOM manipulation and events handling routines.
The DOM can also be accessed through the usage of ad hoc developed ClojureScript libraries, built to abstract away the raw browser's API in an idiomatic Clojure-esque way.
Besides manipulating directly the DOM, the development on the browser can be...