ASP.NET Web API Overview
The ASP.NET Web API is a framework that can be used to build RESTful services on the .NET framework. The ASP.NET Web API is based on the HTTP protocol, and it exposes the HTTP verbs/actions in the form of a URI, allowing client applications to interact with data using HTTP verbs. Any client application or device that supports HTTP communications can easily access Web API services.
As discussed in the preceding section, the RESTful service will identify resources through a URI. For example, we have, and an Angular application applies a GET request. The C# method that responds to this GET request will be on a web API controller class. The routing technique will take care of mapping the request URI with the respective controller and methods based on the route configured or annotated in the respective classes and methods.
Here, the request will be handled by a Get
method in TodosController
according to the default configurations...