Game elements
There were nine HTML5 elements used in this game. Each will be explained within its main category of either HTML, CSS, or JavaScript. The game itself is composed of roughly 15 elements, as depicted in the illustrations as follows:

The main game screen, with a subtle options widget as part of it.
After a game is finished, whether or not the player wins the game, a score board is shown, where the player is given the opportunity to enter his or her name as well as start a new game.

The preceding screenshot shows a messaging widget to indicate that the player has won or lost, as well as a leaderboard widget.
In order for us to easily identify each of the major visual game components, we'll list them as follows:
The options widget
This widget allows the player to select a preset difficulty level. Selecting a harder difficulty level will make the enemy move faster across his track towards the boat. Additionally, we could have made it so that the phrases that the player would need to type...