Encapsulation is a process where data is not directly accessible to user. When you want to restrict or hide the direct access to data from client or user, that activity or a process is known as encapsulation.
When we say information hiding that means hiding an information that doesn't require for user or user is not interested in the information for example - when you buy a bike you'd not be interested to know how it's engine works, how fuel supply exists internally, but you're interested about the mileage of bike and so on.
Information hiding is not a data hiding but it is an implementation hiding in C# for more information refer: http://blog.ploeh.dk/2012/11/27/Encapsulationofproperties/.
In C# when functions and data combined in a single unit (called class) and you cannot access the data directly is called encapsulation. In C# class, access modifiers are applied to members, properties to avoid the direct access of data to other cases or users.
In this section, we will discuss...