Chapter 5. Developing an ASP.NET Application Using Angular 2 and Web API
In this chapter, we will develop a complete application on ASP.NET Core using MVC 6 for MVC views and Web API for web services. For the client side, we will use Angular 2, which is one of the most popular frameworks for client-side development. Angular 2 is written in TypeScript, but it provides the option to write code in JavaScript and Dart. In this chapter, we will use TypeScript because it adheres to the ECMAScript 6 standard, with a provision to generate JavaScript when you build your project in ECMAScript 3, ECMAScript 4, and ECMAScript 5 standards. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript and most of the things are common to both; in fact, TypeScript provides some features that in JavaScript are not implemented by many browsers, except Mozilla Firefox.
This chapter focuses on the basic concepts and takes you through a sample application to learn how Angular 2 can be used with ASP.NET Core and MVC 6.