Project functions
The standard ISO 19650 series has replaced the word roles with functions, but the meaning is still the same, which is to define the responsibilities of a specific person or group of people.
The Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) and the BIM Execution Plan (BEP) will define project functions to outline key responsibilities, and this can improve productivity as each team member will be aware of the tasks that need to be performed.
It is essential to highlight that project functions are not job titles, and more than one person can take and perform multiple functions.
The Appointing Party (Client) that writes the EIR will define the Information Management function primarily. The Appointing Party can nominate a person from their organization or appoint a third-party company to perform this function.
The project team will define the following functions in the BEP:
- Task Team Manager
- Task Information Manager
- Information Authors
- Interface...