Start with an IBM Lotus Domino server
IBM Lotus Quickr for Domino, as the name implies, is loaded on top of an IBM Lotus Domino server. If you have never installed a Lotus Domino server you will want to follow this section closely. We will walk you through the bare minimum of how to bring an IBM Lotus Domino server to life with Web access, some aspects of security and, the setting up of DAOS.

Follow these steps to install IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.1:
1. Run the executable file for the Domino server and the first screen you will see looks like the preceding screenshot.
2. Click on the Next button.
3. The End User License Agreement will be displayed, take 2.8 seconds to read the first line and then click I accept the terms in the license agreement, and then click on the Next button:
4. You will then be prompted to choose where you want to install the program files. Simply enter a directory name using either the default naming or something short and simple like Domino, then click on the Next button.