- What is a function?
A function defines a transformation, accepts data, and returns the result of the transformation.
- What is a functor?
A functor defines data, accepts a transformation, and returns the result of the transformation.
- What is a tuple?
A tuple is a container of a fixed number of miscellaneous values.
- What control flow expression was designed for use with Enums?
Pattern matching expressions are a match for Enums, and vice-versa.
- What is the name for a function with a function as a parameter?
Functions of functions are called higher-order functions.
- How many times will fib be called in memoized fib(20)?
fib will be called 39 times. fib will be invoked 21 times.
- What datatypes can be sent over a channel?
Sent data must implement Send, which is usually derived by the compiler automatically.
- Why do functions need...