The last part we have to discuss is the scene's initialization. Set the initial values for all fields and the constructor, create the initPlayField() function that will set up all the items, and call that function in the constructor. First, we initialize the sky, trees, ground, and player item:
void MyScene::initPlayField()
setSceneRect(0, 0, 500, 340);
m_sky = new BackgroundItem(QPixmap(":/sky"));
BackgroundItem *ground = new BackgroundItem(QPixmap(":/ground"));
ground->setPos(0, m_groundLevel);
m_trees = new BackgroundItem(QPixmap(":/trees"));
m_trees->setPos(0, m_groundLevel - m_trees->boundingRect().height());
m_grass = new BackgroundItem(QPixmap(":/grass"));
m_grass->setPos(0,m_groundLevel - m_grass->boundingRect...