Serving the XML data to a form
XML is an information interchange format that can be used to provide the data that a form will display. This recipe shows how to create a contact form that feeds off the XML data that is sent from the server. This is how the contact form looks like after receiving the XML data:

How to do it...
1. Build the name, company, picture box, internet, phone, business address, and home address panels as explained in the first six steps of the recipe Loading form data from the server.
2. Create the contact form and assign it an
as its data reader:var contactForm = new Ext.FormPanel({ frame: true, title: 'TODO: Load title dynamically', bodyStyle: 'padding:5px', width: 650, url: 'contact-xml.php', reader: new{ record: 'contact', success: '@success' }, ['id', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'company', 'title', 'pic','email', 'webPage', 'imAddress', 'homePhone', 'busPhone','mobPhone', 'fax', 'bAddress', 'hAddress', 'mailingAddress'] ), items: [{ bodyStyle...