What may come in the future?
At the time of writing this book, Python 3.9 is still only a few months old, but the chances are that when you're reading this book, Python 3.10 has either already been released or is right around the corner.
As the Python development processes are open and transparent, we have constant insight into what has been accepted in the PEP documents and what has already been implemented in alpha and beta releases. This allows us to review selected features that will be introduced in Python 3.10. The following is a brief review of the most important changes that we can expect in the near future.
Union types with the | operator
Python 3.10 will bring yet another syntax simplification for the purpose of type hinting. Thanks to this new syntax, it will be easier to construct union-type annotations.
Python is dynamically typed and lacks polymorphism. As a result of this, functions can easily accept the same argument, which can be a different...