Full-Cycle Banana Fission Reactor Design and Analysis
Dr. D. Kong1
1 Department of Advanced Banana Applications, Cranberry-Lemon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
In a world struggling to find clean, safe, and sustainable sources of energy, the banana is often overlooked. While typical banana applications are rarely developed for uses beyond consumption and gaining a competitive advantage in go-kart races, they contain the radioactive isotope potassium-40. While the unstable potassium isotope is useless for power generation in its natural concentration, an enrichment process could easily produce fuel-grade bananas usable in a light water reactor to produce power using a naturally occurring fuel source capable of being grown in most tropical climates. This paper designs and analyzes the gaseous centrifuge enrichment process, the fission reactor, and the theoretical logistics surrounding a banana-based nuclear energy operation as well as safety procedures.