Writing TDD tests in Cypress
In this section, we will focus on writing TDD tests using Cypress. Throughout this section, we will build a Todo application and apply the TDD principles. First, we need to have a design in mind so that we can write proper tests and also critically think about the features of our application. The goal of this chapter will be to create an application that will add todo items, delete todo items, show added todo items, and show the count of the added todo items. A mockup of the final application is shown in the following screenshot. Every step we follow will help us achieve the mockup we desire:
Figure 6.1 – Todo application mockup
The preceding screenshot shows a mockup of our Todo application that we will be building. We will use a TDD approach with tests written in Cypress. The application will have the following features:
- Adding new todo items
- Deleting todo items
- Viewing added todo items
- Viewing...