Grading policy
Your grading policy establishes the point ranges for each letter grade and defines the minimum for passing grades. Your course can be pass/fail, or it can have the letter grades of A through F. To create a grading policy for your class, follow these steps:
Select Grading from the Settings menu.
View the default Pass/Fail grade scale in the Overall Grade Range section.
Click on the + button to add a grade. Clicking the button will change the scale from pass/fail to a range of letter grade options.
Click on the yellow Save Changes button when you are done with making the changes.
Change the grade range by moving the cursor onto the line that divides two grades.
Click and drag the line to the left or right to adjust the range for each letter grade. Release the mouse button when the line is where you want it.
Change the name of the grade by double-clicking on the current name and then typing your desired new name for that specific grade.
For example, if you want to change the original...