The inertial measurement unit and its role
The inertial measurement unit (IMU) is the most important part of the drone as it helps the drone calculate its linear and angular acceleration; it also helps to measure the attitude angles across roll, pitch, and yaw maneuver, helping the autopilot make decisions and guide its motors and actuators to produce the desired output for level flight.
Composition of an IMU
The IMU is a critical component in multicopter flight control systems. It integrates multiple sensors to provide comprehensive information about the vehicle’s motion and orientation. The IMU typically includes accelerometers, gyroscopes, and sometimes magnetometers. The integration of these sensors is essential for accurate flight control, stability, and navigation.
Components of the IMU:
- Accelerometers: These measure linear acceleration along different axes (X, Y, and Z)
- Gyroscopes: These measure the angular velocity or the rate of rotation around...