Creating a stack of embedded forms
Every modern browser has a tabbed interface. Also, many other kinds of "multiple views" software have this kind of interface. Why? Because it's very useful. While you are reading one page, you can rapidly check another page and still come back to the first one at the same point you left some seconds ago. You don't have to redo a search or use a lot of mouse clicks to just go back to that particular point. You simply have switched from one window to another window and back to the first. I have seen too many business applications that are composed of a bunch of dialog windows. Every form is called with the TForm.ShowModal
method. So the user has to navigate into your application one form at time. This is simpler to handle for the programmer, but it's less user friendly for your customers. However, giving a "switchable" interface to your customer is not that difficult. In this recipe, we'll see a complete example of how to do it.
Getting ready
This recipe is a bit more complex than the previous recipes. So, I'll not explain all the code but only the fundamental parts. You can find the complete code in the book code repository (Chapter1\RECIPE06
Let's say we want to create a tabbed interface for our software that is used to manage product orders, sales, and invoices. All the forms must be usable at the same time, without having to close the previous one. Before we begin, the following screenshot is what we want to create:

Figure 5.1: The main form containing seven embedded child forms
How it works…
The project is composed of a bunch of forms. The main form has TTabControl
, which allows us to switch between the active forms. All embedded forms inherit from EmbeddableForm
. The most important is the method Show
shown here:
procedure TEmbeddableForm.Show(AParent: TPanel); begin Parent := AParent; BorderStyle := bsNone; BorderIcons := []; Align := alClient; Show; end;
Note that all the forms apart from the main form, have been removed from the "Auto-Create Form" list (you can access the list by going to Project | Options | Forms).
All the other forms descend from EmbeddableForm
and are added to TTabControl
on the main form with a line of code similar to the following one:
procedure TMainForm.MenuOrdersClick(Sender: TObject); begin AddForm(TForm1.Create(self)); end;
The AddForm
method is in charge of adding an actual instance of a form into the tabs, keeping a reference to it. The following code shows how it is done:
//Add a form to the stack procedure TMainForm.AddForm( AEmbeddableForm: TEmbeddableForm); begin AEmbeddableForm.Show(Panel1); //each tab show the caption of the containing form and //hold the reference to it TabControl1.Tabs.AddObject(AEmbeddableForm.Caption, AEmbeddableForm); ResizeTabsWidth; ShowForm(AEmbeddableForm); end;
Other methods are in charge of bringing an already created form to the front when a user clicks on the Related tab, and then to close a form when the Related tab is removed (check out the ShowForm
and WMEmbeddedFormClose
There is a bit of code, but the concepts are simple:
- When we need to create a new form, add it in the
property. The caption of the form is the caption of the tab, and the object is the form itself. This is what theAddForm
method does with the following line:TabControl1.Tabs.AddObject(AEmbeddableForm.Caption, AEmbeddableForm);
- When a user clicks on a tab, we have to find the associated form by cycling through the
list and bringing it to the front. - When a form asks to be closed (sending a
message), we have to set theParentWantClose
property and then call theClose
method of the correspondent form. - If the user wants to close a form by closing the corresponding tab (in the recipe code, there is
connected toTabControl
, which is used to close a form with a right-click), we have to call theClose
method on the corresponding form. - Every form frees itself in the
event handler. This is done one time for all the forms in theTEmbeddableForm.CloseForm
event handler, using thecaFree
There's more…
Embedding a form into another TWinControl
is not difficult and allows us to create flexible GUIs without using TPageControl
and Frames
. Probably, for the end user, this multi-tabbed GUI is probably more familiar because all the modern browsers use it, and probably, your user already knows how to use a browser with different pages or screens opened. From the developer's point of view, the multi-tabbed interface allows for much better programming patterns and practices. This technique can also be used for other scenarios where you have to embed one "screen" into another.
More flexible (and complex) solutions can be done involving the use of Observers, but in simple cases, this recipe's solution based on Windows Messaging is enough.
More information about the Observer design pattern can be found at
Another interesting solution (that doesn't rely on Windows Messaging and so is also cross-platform) may be based on the System.Messaging.TMessageManager
class. More information about TMessageManager can be obtained at
Code in this recipe can be used with every component that uses TStringList
to show items (TListBox, TComboBox, and so on) and can be adapted easily for other scenarios.
In the recipe code, you'll also find a nice way to show status messages generated by the embedded forms and a centralized way to show application hints in the status bar.