Up-to-date security
As we've discussed, sometimes cybersecurity professionals glaze over the basics and run out-of-date, unsupported OSs as a matter of convenience. This is a common phenomenon because many organizations are already large and spread out or are growing so rapidly that those in charge have trouble keeping track of every single device. It's not always easy, but running an updated OS is essential. Having the right, forward-looking processes in place to identify the next necessary update and prepare for it as far ahead of time as possible is essential. Bad actors keep their technology up to date and wait eagerly for the next update; your organization needs to be just as eager for the next opportunity to add to their security.
Patching is a task that can be cumbersome, expensive, and time consuming. That's why it's critical for an organization to have the right process—a designated group of people that handle patching. This key group of...