What this book covers
Chapter 1, Getting Started with Vagrant, introduces the concept of virtualization, its importance in the role of the development environment, and walks you through the Vagrant installation process.
Chapter 2, Managing Vagrant Boxes and Projects, walks you through creating Vagrant projects, exploring and configuring the Vagrantfile, and working with base boxes.
Chapter 3, Provisioning with Puppet, explores Puppet, the provisioning tool, and how to create Puppet manifests to provision a server.
Chapter 4, Using Ansible, explores Ansible, the provisioning tool, and how to create Ansible playbooks to provision a server.
Chapter 5, Using Chef, explores Chef, the provisioning tool, and how to create Chef recipes to provision a server.
Chapter 6, Provisioning Vagrant Machines with Puppet, Ansible, and Chef, discusses how to use Puppet, Ansible, and Chef within the context of Vagrant to provision development environments.
Chapter 7, Working with Multiple Machines, explores using Vagrant to create and manage projects that use multiple virtual machines, which communicate with each other.
Chapter 8, Creating Your Own Box, discusses the process of creating your own base box for use within a Vagrant project.
Chapter 9, HashiCorp Atlas, walks you through using Vagrant Share to share SSH and HTTP(S) access to a Vagrant-managed machine, and how to use the services provided through the Vagrant Cloud.
Appendix, A Sample LEMP Stack, walks you through the process of creating a LEMP server within a new Vagrant project.