Distributing boxes
To distribute boxes with Atlas, we need to create an account and log in to the Atlas website (https://atlas.hashicorp.com/account/new). The username that we select when registering is used as the prefix for boxes we distribute—unless, of course, we go onto a paid plan, which has organizational support, or we collaborate with others on a box. Once logged in, we need to click on the Create Box link to go to the box creation form (https://atlas.hashicorp.com/boxes/new).
On this page, we need to provide a name and description for our box. As we are on the free plan, we cannot make this a private box, so it will be made public:

As the boxes distributed through Atlas can be versioned, to let us roll out new updates to users of the box, we need to create an initial version for the box, along with a description of what the version contains:

Next, we need to click on Create new provider to add a new provider that is supported by this version of the box:

Finally, we specify the provider...